People often want to know where to get coupons. Learn the best places to find coupons. The top 6 sources to get coupons you will actually use.

Find out where to get coupons! You will be on your way to save money! The best place to get coupons. Here are the top 6 Best Places to Find Coupons that you will actually use to save money!

Where to Get Coupons

This is a question I get asked all the time when I am teaching coupon classes and helping others learn how to coupon. Today I want to tell you about the top 6 best places to find coupons that you will actually use.

I’m about to give you a lot of information so don’t get overwhelmed. Sit back and get ready to learn the best places to get coupons.

You can also check out Couponing 101 for your beginners guide to couponing. This is a helpful resource for those just getting started. It’s easy to get overwhelmed as you try to learn it all.

Just do a little each day and that way it will not be so overwhelming. Extreme Couponing for beginners is also a good place to start!

Find out where to get coupons! You will be on your way to save money! The best place to get coupons. Here are the top 6 Best Places to Find Coupons that you will actually use to save money!

By the time you are done reading, you will really be able to find where to get manufacturer coupons.

1. Get coupon inserts in the Newspaper:

One of the easiest ways to find coupons is in the Sunday paper. Make sure you head Right now, you can snag some great deals online for newspapers. Just go here and then type in your zip code to find the best deals in your area.

There are discounts on all newspapers right now.

Yes, you can head to the store and buy a paper on Sunday morning, but you are guaranteed a paper and the coupons if you have a subscription. If you are buying your paper at the store, you are not guaranteed.

Find out where to get coupons! You will be on your way to save money! The best place to get coupons. Here are the top 6 Best Places to Find Coupons that you will actually use to save money!

How many papers should I buy?

Some people may tell you to buy a lot of papers each week. I will disagree. I personally believe you can still get those extreme savings without the extreme actions.

In my opinion, you should get 2 papers every week. On those weeks that they are full of HOT coupons, you can then head to the store to buy a few extra.

I have 3 papers delivered to my house each week.


2. Free Printable Coupon Websites

Printing coupons is my favorite way find coupons. When you first print them you will have to download a coupon printer, but you shouldn’t have to do it after that.

Printing coupons are very easy to do and the best part is you only have to print the ones you need. Here are the most common places to print:

Most offers will allow you to print two of them. Normally, I can just hit the back button and get another to print. Printing is one of the best ways!

Find out where to get coupons! You will be on your way to save money! The best place to get coupons. Here are the top 6 Best Places to Find Coupons that you will actually use to save money! How many printable coupons can you print?

Most do not allow you to print more than 2. You can however, head on over to another computer in your house and print 2 more if needed. I would only do that on HOT coupons .  These are offers that you just LOVE and know you are going to use.

HOT coupons are those that are considered time sensitive. Some companies will issue these with set a print limit of maybe 50,000 prints (for example). That means that only the first 50,000 people will get to print.

I call them HOT  because they may not last long and you will want to print it now before it is gone. Make sure you have a good printer. There are several printers on sale here.


3. Magazines are another great resource for coupons.

This might shock you but several magazines have fabulous coupons inside. Keep a look out for these coupons because they are often very good. You just never know what you might find.

4. Coupon apps for groceries

Your smart phone is such an easy way to find coupons. You can snag a lot  with different apps on your phone. Head on over to read on of my previous posts on the best money saving apps that will help you save even more money at the grocery store.

The best money saving apps that are out there: Checkout 51Ibotta and BerryCart. Plus, many stores have digital coupons you can download.  You will love how easy it is to use your Smart Phone to save money.

5. Contact Companies for coupons

Most people never think of this, but e-mailing companies is a great way to get money saving offers. If you prefer one kind of toilet paper, or one kind of yogurt, then e-mail that company and let them know how much you love them.

You might then be surprised with what arrives in your mail box! I do this all the time with my favorite companies.

This is especially a great ideas for those of your with food allergies. Find the 15 best companies to email for coupons.

You might also receive coupon codes for online shopping.

6. Free Food Coupons

Freebies don’t come around as often as they used to, but they are still there. Often times companies will provide a freebie that you can sign up to receive.

You will get the product in the mail but often times you also get high value coupons with them! It is a win-win! This is especially true if companies are putting out a new product.

Be careful though, you don’t want to sign up for all freebies. Often, they are spam.

Now that you know where to get coupons, you are ready to start saving money! 

I hope I didn’t overwhelm you 🙂 , but hopefully this will get you started on your couponing adventure. Remember, start small to snag a few this week and then next.

Eventually you will really start seeing yourself save even more money.The savings will began to really add up! Sign up for Freebies and watch the savings add up!

Coupon codes online are also great for savings. Store loyalty cards can also really help. There are lots of great ways to reduce your grocery bills.
Searching for ways to save can be fun and easy!
You will soon see the savings on your grocery bill. Learn how to extreme coupon and it’s so much fun! Once you start seeing the savings add up, it’s really exciting.

Whether you are looking to save money to reduce bills or perhaps to save for a vacation, it can be done now that you know the best place to get coupons.

Find out where to get coupons! You will be on your way to save money! The best place to get coupons. Here are the top 6 Best Places to Find Coupons that you will actually use to save money!

Learn which companies to contact for coupons.

More Ways to Save Money:

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About Carrie Barnard

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  1. Marie Hamil says:

    I am just a beginner. Looking forward to learning and saving money.