After my post last week of me confessing my love for essential oils, I thought I should take a minute to explain How to use Essential oils. There are a TON of different oils out there so over time we will go over all of my favorites. In the meantime, let’s talk bout how to use them.

Here are a few of my favorite essential oils and how you can use them.

how to use essential oils - facebook image

Lavender essential oil – works great for minor burns, rashes/hives, sunburn relief, bruises

Lemon Essential Oil – cleanses and purifies – use it around the house, great for detox, and focus

Thieves essential oil blend – colds/flu, sore throat (seems to work great for me), headaches, toothaches

Peppermint essential oil – headaches, fever, congestion, nausea, constipation, and many more

Joy essential oil blend – helps increases mood (perfect to diffuse for kids), calms and uplifts spirits – this is one of my favorite blends 😉

There are SO many ways that you can use just the oils in the starter kit that I talked about in my last post.   (Click on the image below to make it larger so you can read it better.)


How to use Essential Oils (4 ways):

4 ways to use essential oils

1. Diffuse

One of my favorite and easiest ways to use essential oils is by diffusing the oils. When you buy the premium starter kit, you will receive an awesome diffuser. I just love mine. You can purchase more through the Young Living website or you can even buy some pretty nice diffusers on Amazon here. I am buying more because I want one in almost every room. I am now adding them to my kids rooms for when they sleep. I have done it a few times and now the kids are requesting their own diffusers. 🙂

2. Topical

Some essential oils are safe to use directly on the skin (this is true for many of the Young Living oils). This is definitely nice for quick results.  Popular areas include ears, temples, soles and tops of feet, abdomen, and upper back. Simply place 1 – 3 drops in the palm of your hand or directly on the desired area and massage the oil in a circular motion. Some oils will require dilution through a carrier oil. The great thing, is that when you purchase your Young living oils through me, you are invited to our facebook group filled with thousands of people who will help you. If you don’t know, you can search the group or just ask. I love this group of people!

3. Consuming them

Depending on the quality of your oil it is safe to ingest certain oils as a dietary supplement of food flavoring. This is definitely true with Young living oils. I personally haven’t done this yet, but I know a lot of people who have. This is why the group is so nice. Plus I am also giving away an Essential oils guide when you purchase a premium kit which will help you know which oils you can consume.

4. Cleaning, Beauty products, and DIY

You can also use essential oils DIY cleaning products, beauty recipes like my dry shampoo or lip balm, personal care items, or DIY projects like my homemade candles. These are more easy ways to utilize the power of essential oils.

As you can see there are several ways to use Essential oils.

Now if you are thinking about trying out oils, I suggest you give them a try this month. Because I love them so much, I wanted to give my readers an extra discount.

If you’ve been wanting to get started, this is a great time take the “oily leap” and get the starter kit and $30 in FREEBIES!

The Premium Starter kit from Young Living is $150 which is 50% off the retail price. If you bought all the oils, diffuser etc. separately it would cost over $300. We want you to get all the tools that you will need to get started!


Purchase a Premium Starter Kit by using the steps below and I’ll send you all of these goodies:

What is included:
* 11 bottles of the most popular oils (5ml size)
* Home Diffuser
* Product samples (great for the purse!)
* Wholesale membership (i.e. future discounts!)

From us:
* 400 pg Essential Oil Guide
* Essential Oil Starter Guide
* Essential Oils Bottle Top Stickers
* Essential Oils travel kit
* Access to e-books, e-courses, Facebook support Groups and MORE!!

If that’s not an amazing deal –  I don’t know what is. :)

*This promotion is available for US residents only.

If you are wondering how I am doing this… I am basically giving away my commission in prizes for you. They have made a HUGE improvement in my families health, so I know you will love it too.

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 Here is how to snag this deal:


Head over to the Young Living page here and fill in your information.

*Be sure the “Member” option is checked so that you don’t end up paying retail prices. This will allow you to save 24% off all your oils!

*Be sure the “sponsor ID” and “enroller id” say 1803389 (so that I can send you your freebies)!

*If you do not feel comfortable putting in your social security number (this is only for tax purposes if you decide to turn this into a business, Young Living is required by law to ask for it) then you can get an EIN from the IRS   in just a few seconds  and use that number instead (the IRS just needs to be able to connect some number with you for tax purposes). The reason you are asked to list your social security number is for tax purposes. If you make over $600 per year selling Young Living products, you will receive a 1099 form in the mail, as is required by law. Young Living is a 20 year old company and will never share this info with anyone.

*You will create a 4-digit PIN number that customer service will need to access your account should you ever need to call them. Make sure to make this something you will remember or write it down.


Select your starter kit. My recommendation is the Premium Starter Kit ($150). This kit comes with the oils that I use every single day and will qualify you for all of the freebies that I mention above!


Step 3 in the sign-up process is totally optional. Young Living offers an awesome program called Essential Rewards that allows us to earn free oils by earning points on products that we want to buy anyway. It also gives us reduced shipping!


Monthly bonus oils (OPTIONAL). If you would like to earn a free oil, then you’ll need to get your order total up to 190 PV (different products have different point values).


Finally, don’t forget to confirm your order! The tool will log you in (or you can go directly to, allow you to confirm your order again and you’ll need to enter your payment information again. Don’t miss this step or your order will not be confirmed!

 Remember, if you order the Premium starter kit by the end of April, I will send you $40 in freebies!

Start your oily fun here.

Leave a comment if you have any questions.

Allergies are no walk in the park and we have the Best Essential Oils for Allergies. Try these 6 essential oils for allergies to help you endure allergy season.

Learn how to make DIY Essential Oil Room Spray with just a few simple ingredients.

Try these other recipes

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About Carrie Barnard

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