Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to achieving softer clothes.  Wool dryer balls also help to dry clothes quicker and you are going to love using them.

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

How to use wool dryer balls

I have been using wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets in my laundry now and I’m loving the difference it is making in keeping my family chemical free and having soft clothes that dry quicker!

Here is what I have learned by ditching the traditional dryer sheets and using this alternative instead.

You might also like to learn how to make Homemade Laundry Detergent.

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

First, what are wool dryer balls?

They are made completely of 100% organic wool that is wound tightly together so that it does not come undone.  They are used in the washing machine instead of dryer sheets or fabric softener.  They are chemical free and hypoallergenic.

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

Where to find wool dryer balls?

I purchased mine on amazon. I love being able to have them shipped right to my home.

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

Why would someone want to use wool balls instead of dryer sheets or fabric softeners?

There are a ton of chemicals that are on and in fabric softeners and dryer sheets.  When you wash your clothes with these items, you are transferring these chemicals to your clothes which in turn is transferred to your skin when you wear the clothes.

These chemicals can cause skin irritation and rashes in adults and children.  Using the dryer balls instead of these other products removes those chemicals from your clothes and your skin!

These is a perfect alternative for anyone that has sensitive skin as well.

How to refresh wool dryer balls? How do you recharge wool dryer balls?

These can be washed in hot water and dried to recharge the dryer balls and make them fresh again.

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

Also, there is big cost savings when using the dryer balls.  The wool dryer balls last approximately 1,000 washes!

They are very resilient and do not have to be replaced monthly like the other products which saves you tons of money. In addition, the dryer balls help reduce the drying time for my laundry.

I have an electric dryer so reducing the dry time also saves electricity so my power bill is lower as well.  Who doesn’t love saving money?!

Ok, now that we have gone over what they are and why you should be using them, let’s learn more about how they work!

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

How do wool dryer balls work?

When you are washing your clothes, simply place 3-6 wool dryer balls in the washing machine depending on the size of your washing machine instead of a dryer sheet.

The wool dryer balls work themselves around the clothes in the dryer separating the clothes from themselves so that air can flow around the clothes and dry faster.  These dryer balls prevent the clothes from becoming one big clump in the washing machine which is how they help speed up the dry time.

Do wool dryer balls work?

I find that the dryer balls reduce my drying time from 30-50% depending on what I’m drying!

Also, I found that the wool dryer balls make my clothes feel very soft so don’t worry about missing that by eliminating the dryer sheets.

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

Ok – What about static cling?

Now let’s talk static cling.  Many are worried about starting to use wool dryer balls as they are afraid that their clothes will come out with a ton of wool dryer balls static.

Generally, static is caused by over drying your clothes.  Ensure that you are not over-drying your clothes to reduce static.

Also, if your clothes are coming out with tons of static cling, I recommend that you add another wool ball.  If you start by using 4 dryer balls and your clothes are coming out of the dryer with static, I recommend using 5 dryer balls for the next load.

In addition, don’t over crowd your washing machine.  I find that 2 medium size loads of laundry will dry a lot quick than 1 large load with these dryer balls.

Can I put essential oils on my wool dryer balls?

You can easily add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil to each wool dryer balls.  The drops of essential oil help add a great aroma to your dryer which leaves your clothing smelling fresh and clean after each load.

How to use wool dryer balls with essential oils?

Once you apply the essential oils, allow the balls  time to dry (approximately 30 minutes) before using them in your next load.

I love using a lemon essential oil but use your favorite so you can enjoy the smell all day in your clothes!

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

Are dryer balls bad for your dryer?

No, they are not. You will love using these as an alternative to dryer sheets. Dryer balls consumer reports that they are a great item to use in laundry.

Do wool dryer balls work better than the plastic dryer balls?

I prefer the wool dryer balls over the plastic ones.  There are tons of chemicals in plastic as well so I feel like using the plastic dryer balls would just be switching out one set of chemicals for different ones.

They are are all natural and great for your family and skin.  I love going chemical free when possible!

Also, the plastic dryer balls are VERY loud in the dryer.  The wool dryer balls are much softer and do not make quite as much noise as the plastic ones do in the dryer.

When do you know it’s time to replace your wood dryer balls?

Like I said before, these last for a long time!  You’ll know it’s time to replace them when they start to fall apart but this doesn’t happen for months and they literally last for 1,000 loads.

I usually have a few sets on hand as I love using Lavender scented dryer balls for my sheets and lemon for my clothes and towels.  It’s great to have a few options to keep all your clothes and linen smelling fresh!

So, now that you have all the information, are you going to make the switch?  It was hard for me at first but I’m glad I did.

Now I’m choosing a healthier option for my family and saving money at the same time.  Woohoo!

Give these simple natural products wool dryer balls a try today!

Dryer balls and essential oils work great and you can rest assured they are eco friendly. Each one smells fresh and will reduce the drying time and entire drying process.

Learn how to make the Best Homemade Laundry Detergent. You will be shocked that you can make this for only $20 for an entire year of laundry!

Learn how to use wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets for a chemical free alternative to softer clothes. Wool dryer balls also help dry clothes quicker.

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About Carrie Barnard

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