Whether you are camping or hanging out in your backyard, here are five fun campfire games that can be played by all ages including kids. Nothing quite compares to sitting cross legged around a campfire and having fun together while roasting marshmallows.
When you put a group of people around a campfire, the timing is perfect to start up a silly game or two.
Fun Campfire Games to Enjoy
We have been talking about camping around here. It’s such a fun family activity.
I hope you have been enjoying our Camping posts. Make sure you read our Five Tips for Camping with Kids post and this 5 of the Best Tips to Save Money on Camping.
Some campfire games have been around for a very long time in various forms. They are so much fun! So, gather your friends and family, learn to make these Easy to Grill S’mores and play some fun games!
If you need a new fire pit, there are several on Amazon. Have you seen the ones that use a propane tank? So cool!
Best campfire games for families:
1. Truth or Dare
Who hasn’t played this classic game at some point or another? When it is your turn, you ask someone “truth or dare” and they have to choose between the two.
If they choose truth, you ask them any embarrassing question you want and they have to answer totally honestly. If they choose dare, they have to do something embarrassing.
It is good to put guidelines in place for the younger crowd or you might have Little Johnny diving into the flames on a dare. So definitely good to have some rules in place. This one is tons of fun for all ages!
2. I Won’t Laugh
This one is simple too but it is a ton of fun. You need to split the group into two teams.
When it is one team’s turn, they will choose someone on the other team. That person will have to sit alone while all the members of the opposing team attempts to make them laugh.
This can be all at once or one at a time, whichever you wish. Someone times it to see who holds out the longest. This game is always fun to watch!
3. Two Truths and a Lie
This one is awesome and you can play it without getting off your log by the fire. Each person will announce to the group three facts about themselves.
Once they do, the rest of the group has to figure out which of the three statements are a lie. This is great for older groups but also works with young teens.
The smaller kids tend to cheat a great deal on this game, so perhaps a different one is in order for them. Such a fun game! It’s also a really good way for everyone to get to know the group.
4. Tell Me a Story – Campfire Stories
This one is a favorite among the creative crowd. Quite simply, you start the game with one person around the campfire and they speak a sentence.
The next person adds a sentence to begin a story and then you continue around the campfire one person to another, one sentence at a time. You will be quite amused by the various directions the story might take.
This game is always amusing and the ending hilarious!
5. Tell Me a Secret
This one is terribly fun too and it works wonderfully for the younger campers. Whisper a “secret” into the person’s ear to your right and then go all the way around the campfire.
By the time it gets back to the original person, it is interesting to see how much the secret evolved and changed. You want the secret to be fairly detailed so that it will be tough to get right each time around.
Everyone will get a good laugh out of the results.
Try these campfire games for kids and campfire games for adults!
You don’t have to have a campfire to enjoy these camping games. Nor do you have to go on a camping trip.
If you are just bored while camping or need something to do these make fun camping games while you are enjoying your family time. Gather everyone around sitting in a circle and get started having a blast!
Campfire games are really just about having fun as a group and interacting. Anything that gets the group talking, laughing and having a good time is a great start.
These campfire games are only a few of the many that are out there. I love that these games do not cost anything but provide so much fun.
Plus, they do not create any more clutter or the need to store more boxes of games. You just need your friends and get ready to have a good time!
Do you know of other bonfire games that you might want to play?
There are so many fun camping games for adults and kids. We like to play 20 questions sometimes too.
One person is the clue giver and the other has to figure out what they are trying to describe. Whatever games you decide to play, everyone will have a ton of fun.
It’s a good way to get to know the neighbors or new friends at church or school. Everyone will have a blast laughing and talking.
The games really help to break the ice and gets everyone interacting. It’s a win all around!
I can’t wait to hear your stories of how your campfire games went! Please share any ideas you have for new games or what your tried and true campfire games are.
What are your favorite campfire activities to play around the fire?
There are so many fun campfire games to play include truths and a lie, 20 questions and more. If you get tired of twenty questions, start singing campfire songs!
There is so much fun for all on a camping trip. Just sit around the campfire and enjoy!
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