Get organized with this free printable meal planner. Plan each week and take the stress out of dinner time. Save time and money.

Photo of free meal planner printable.

Printable meal planner

We have a free printable that you are going to love. It is a completely free meal planning chart that you can now download and print.

There are spots for breakfast lunch and dinner 7 days of the week. This printable meal planner template is a great way to get organized and includes a pot for your grocery list.

Do you plan your meals?

We do and it really can save you some cash. Since we started using this, meal time is less hectic and we always know what’s for dinner. Get started today and see the difference.

This Meal Planning Chart will save you money.

As most of you know, I think Meal Planning is pretty crucial if you are serious about cutting down your grocery bill. I once thought that menu planning would destroy my creativity in cooking. I thought that meal planning would ruin dinner.

However, after I started creating my menus I have learned otherwise. Menu planning has actually allowed my family to explore other options instead of our “usual” throw-together dinners.

Photo of free meal planner printable.

Not only are our dinners better, but we are also saving money by not having to run to a drive-thru on nights that I didn’t have dinner ready. There are no more standing in the kitchen at 4:30PM wondering “What should I make for dinner?”

I feel so FREE on week’s that I have a menu ready to go. It has really taken so much of the stress out of dinner.

You will love it. Try it today and see how awesome meal planning can be. It really has been a game changer in our family.

This printable weekly menu planner  is a PDF file that you can just print out and use it weekly. This is awesome because you can even create your shopping list at the bottom. Create your menus and decide what groceries you are going to need.

DOWNLOAD free printable meal planner


How to use Meal Planner:

  • Every Sunday you just sit down and make your weekly meal plan. It is so simple. This is also a good time to think about any meal prep you can do for the week.
  • Remember to keep your pantry and your freezer in mind when filling in your meals. Use that stockpile to help you save money that week.
  • Then in the bottom section for each day you will write in the food that you will need to buy in order to complete your meals.
  • It is that easy. Now you have your shopping list for your “need” items. I am sure that your “need” is probably a lot smaller than you thought. The savings will add up because you will always use what you have at home first.
  • Now head to the store, to buy those few items that you need. You will also save time at the store because you will know exactly what you need.

Photo of free meal planner printable.

More tips:

  • Remember, just because you planned to have enchiladas on Wednesday doesn’t meant it is set in stone. This is to make sure that you have all the food to make a full week’s worth of foods. You can easily switch days if you need to.
  • Maybe you forgot that your kids have a T-ball game on Thursday, so you would rather have pizza that night instead of Friday night. The point of the form, is to help you decide what groceries you actually need that week instead of overpaying at the grocery store because you bought more than you actually needed.

Plan your meals easier with this printable weekly meal planner.

Get started today and see how easy it is. It only takes a few minutes but reaps big benefits.

You will save time and money with easy meal plan templates . Plus, the daily stress of what is for dinner will not be there. It is all around a great printable.

Everyone can enjoy healthy meals instead of take out during the week. Put weekly meal planner templates to use and see how easy it makes everything.

Since starting this the temptation to go to a drive thru for dinner has greatly decreased. Our family is eating better and we are saving money too.

Easy Recipes to Try:

Get organized with this free printable meal planner. Plan each week and take the stress out of dinner time. You’ll love this weekly meal planner that will help your save money.  You’ll love this free template.  #onecrazymome #mealplanner #menuplanner

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About Carrie Barnard

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  1. Joy says:

    Thank you Carrie!

  2. Kasey Wilson says:

    This is exactly what I needed! Thank you… Now I have no reason to avoid making menus 🙂

  3. Jennifer says:

    I use a site called its awsome!! Makes the shopping list for you!