With Fall on the horizon, it is only a matter of time before Winter is here. Learn how to save money on heating bill with little effort but big savings!

With Fall on the horizon, it is only a matter of time before Winter is here. Learn how to save money on heating bill with little effort but big savings!

How to save on heating bill

Before we know it, it will be cold outside and you know what that means!  While I love and appreciate the warmth of our home during these cold months, I do not love the bill!

It can get so expensive to heat a house. There are simple ways to save money on your heating bill, though – just a little effort will make a difference!

Learn these simple ways now and by the time the colder months strike, you will be armed with lots of money saving knowledge! Save that money for something else.

With Fall on the horizon, it is only a matter of time before Winter is here. Learn how to save money on heating bill with little effort but big savings!

Here are the 9 best way to save money on heating bill:

1. Turn down the furnace one degree.

You’ll be surprised what a difference one degree makes on your bill and how little of a difference you feel with your comfort level. Have blankets handy if you do feel a little chilly, and put on socks!

No one has ever noticed the difference in how the house feels. However, this one little degree makes a big difference in your bill and is very energy efficient.

2. Get a programmable thermostat.

One of the best ways to save each month on your heating is to set the thermostat lower when you’re not home or when you’re sleeping. Programmable thermostats are a great investment and you will find several on sale on Amazon.

You can set several programs throughout the day and have separate programs for the weekend when you are home more. Make sure not to set it too low when you’re gone so you don’t risk pipes freezing and spend a lot of money!

3. Keep your furnace filter clean.

Regularly changing your furnace filter is important to keep the furnace running efficiently. You can get inexpensive ones if you make sure to change them once a month.

However, if you want to change them a little less often, spring for a better filter. It is so easy to forget to change these filters but doing so really helps the furnace run efficiently.

Little habits now help to prevent larger more expensive problems in the future.

4. Add outlet sealers.

A lot of heat is lost through places you wouldn’t expect, like your electrical outlets and light switches. Pick up some outlet sealers to add behind your switch plate and outlet covers to prevent heat from seeping out.

This is something that would be easy to overlook. I never really thought about this before but it helps a lot to use these sealers on the outlets.

5. Install door guards.

Another way heat seeps out is through gaps under doors. Door guards are an inexpensive and simple way to stop the heat from escaping and keep cold air out.

This is one of my favorite ways on how to save on heating bill. The selection has come a long way from years past.

Many of these blend right into the door frame so it is hardly noticeable at all. Plus, they are very simple to put on. Anyone can use weather stripping.

With Fall on the horizon, it is only a matter of time before Winter is here. Learn how to save money on heating bill with little effort but big savings!

6. Cover and seal windows.

If you have drafty windows or an air leak, invest in removable window sealant and plastic covers. The sealant goes on like caulk (but it is clear) and is simply peeled off when the temperatures are warmer.

Plastic window covers go on with double-sided tape and a hair dryer and will create a barrier from the cold coming in. This will make a huge difference and help to keep away any drafts in window frames and exterior walls.

This will help to prevent heat loss.

7. Close vents in unused rooms.

Are there areas or rooms of your house where you spend less time? Close vents in those rooms and only reopen them when you’re there.

Also, closing vents strategically that are close to the heater will help force more air to the vents that are farther away from the heating source. This is such an easy way to transfer the heat to rooms where you need it.

We have one room that is always hotter than the others. This is a great trick to help distribute the heat better so no one is roasting while someone is freezing.

8. Reverse your ceiling fans.

Many ceiling fans have a feature where you can reverse the rotation, and doing so will push the warm air down into the room (rather than pull it up to the ceiling like they do normally).

This is such an easy trick that is so often overlooked. If you have tall ceilings, this is especially helpful to pull warm air down.

With Fall on the horizon, it is only a matter of time before Winter is here. Learn how to save money on heating bill with little effort but big savings!

9. Think about your hot water heater.

Heating water is expensive, and any ways you can cut down on hot water usage will save money. Take shorter showers, wash most of your clothing in cold water, and turn down the hot water heater (which is advised with small kids anyway to avoid scald burns).

This is a huge help and one that really makes a big difference in the bill.

Bonus time for how to save on heating bill:

Install a nest thermometer so you can change the temperature from your phone.  You can also create a schedule so you aren’t heating the house while you are gone.

This is great for those that aren’t home most of the day. It is also great for when on vacation and traveling.

No need to heat and cool a house when no one is home! This tip will help with energy consumption and staying warm.

Saving money this way is very simple and will help to only work the heating system when needed. You don’t want to pay for heated air when not in use!

Is it cheaper to leave the heating on all day?

You don’t have to turn your thermostat off to save money. Simply by turning down the temperature when not in use will help to save money on your bill.

How can I save on my gas bill in the winter?

If you are trying to save money on your gas heating bill, the same principles apply. Turning down your thermostat a few degrees, caulking and weather proofing are all great ways to save money.

Doing any of these will help to reduce your bill.  Using space heaters will also help during the winter.

The department of energy has more great tips for saving money.

Now you know how to save money on heating bill!

No one likes to spend more money than they need to, and these tips will help you save some of that hard-earned money. Try a few of all of these frugal tips to save on heating bill this year.

What other money-saving tips do you have for your heating bill? Leave a comment and let us know.

Try these 10 money saving Starbucks hacks to get your coffee fix for less.

With Fall on the horizon, it is only a matter of time before Winter is here. Learn how to save money on heating bill with little effort but big savings!

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