Get this free roll a snowman printable for a fun activity for the kiddos. This would be perfect for Christmas parties, school parties or just to keep the kids busy.

Get this free roll a snowman printable for a fun activity for the kiddos. This would be perfect for Christmas parties and more. Free printable snowman game.

Roll a snowman printable

We are always looking for something fun but inexpensive to do with the kids. I ran across this adorable roll a snowman game and knew it would be the perfect activity.

It is simple enough for little ones to do but entertaining enough for even older children to enjoy. If you need a rainy day activity or something for the next school party, give this a try.

We have everything you need to get started playing today. All of the free printables are below and we have a couple of options.

This is such a fun game for your next Christmas party or at school. If you are the room mom, this would be an adorable game to play at the Christmas party.

The ideas are endless for this game.  You might even want to keep a few extra printables for when you need a few extra minutes preparing dinner. 🙂

Everything you need for roll a snowman freebie is here:

This is such an inexpensive way to have a fun game night! I love free printables and this is a great game.

You will need coloring pencils, crayons or something to draw the snowman with. I bet you already have something at home and can round up some of these things in minutes.

Get this free roll a snowman printable for a fun activity for the kiddos. This would be perfect for Christmas parties and more. Free printable snowman game.

Printable snowman template

This is essentially your game card. Everyone will get one of these and attempt to complete their snowman.

The first person to finish completing their snowman wins the game! This sounds like so much fun!

Download free printable snowman coloring sheet here.

Get this free roll a snowman printable for a fun activity for the kiddos. This would be perfect for Christmas parties and more. Free printable snowman game.

Roll a snowman game pdf

Choose from color or black and white printables.

Download the roll a snowman cube in color here.

If you prefer to print in color, grab this option.

Get this free roll a snowman printable for a fun activity for the kiddos. This would be perfect for Christmas parties and more. Free printable snowman game.

Download the roll a snowman cube in black and white here.

This option is good if you are trying to conserve ink or have a lot that you need to print.

Get this free roll a snowman printable for a fun activity for the kiddos. This would be perfect for Christmas parties and more. Free printable snowman game.

How to play roll a snowman dice game:

Each person rolls the dice and draws the body parts of the snowman they land on.

The first person to have all of the snowman parts and complete the snowman printable wins!  This is such a fun Christmas game and everyone will have a blast when they play this game.

Get started today with this roll a snowman printable and play this fun game.

The kids will enjoy racing to build a snowman and get all of the snowman pieces. Grab this free printable game that is perfect for parties and more.

This is a very frugal way to spend time with the kiddos or do an activity with a group, Everyone will have a blast playing!

Another idea is to give a prize to the winner. This is totally optional but might be something fun to consider.

It does not have to be expensive. You can grab some candy or something small to give the person that completes the snowman first!

I love the theater boxes of candy at the dollar store. Those are perfect for prizes.

Get this free roll a snowman printable for a fun activity for the kiddos. This would be perfect for Christmas parties and more. Free printable snowman game.

Roll a snowman game is the perfect game for Christmas parties and more!

And it is even better because it is a free printable! We love frugal and fun!

You will have so much fun putting this together and then playing with the kiddos. Why not make a family game night out of it?

Make some snacks and plays this game and others. Lots of precious memories will be made.

Looking back it seems we don’t remember a lot of what was bought but we sure do remember the time spent and all of the memories made. The small things really are the big things in life.

Some of our favorite snacks in the winter include:

Make some treats, play the snowman game and make lots of special memories.  You can’t go wrong with a fun game and delicious food. 🙂

Get this free roll a snowman printable for a fun activity for the kiddos. This would be perfect for Christmas parties and more. Free printable snowman game.

We have a blast trying new projects!

This snowman game is perfect to try and so inexpensive. We are always trying something around here.

I be the kids will also love to learn how to make floam! Your kids will be amazed and have a blast making this.

Learn how to make Homemade Playdough Recipes that your kids will go crazy over. It so easy to make homemade playdough and you can easily make scented, edible, glitter and more varieties of playdough at home!

It is so easy and frugal to make homemade bubbles and your kids will have a blast.

Learn how to make glueand save a ton of money on your craft projects.

Learn how to make DIY Perfume that is all natural and smells great.

Get started today and let us know what you try. These are perfect for rainy day activities or when it is simply too hot to play outside.

The kids will be entertained for hours and hours! Yeah!

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About Carrie Barnard

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